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in your Phrase of the day, for i believe it was January 4th. You stated Person 1: You should print that.
Person 2: Alam ko. (Wrong usage)

Since this is wrong, what would be correct response for this type of sentence????

would like to learn a little Tagalog that I might be able to use during my frequent visits to the Philippines from here in Taiwan

response to Richard Preuss CM. I am about to start a Tagalog lesson online to help those who would like to learn the language . I sometimes travel to The Philippines myself. I have a fiance from The Philippines. She teaches me, and I learn form many other sources. I am in no way fluent, but I can certainly help you learn quite a bit of the language. I will be posting on and maybe even on,so watch for those posts, and keep in touch with me at for lessons.

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